Saturday, September 27, 2008

Visioning Meeting: Monday, September 29, 2008 10:00AM (John Iras' Office)


Discussion Targets:


Creative Cities
Creative Cities Summit (Russell Center Visit October 13, 2008)
LISC (Leadership Incubator Studio & Collaboratory) Blog-site:

Special Guest List
Brooke Franklin (Detroit Regional Chamber)
Shedrick Ward (DPS AIM PROGRAM)
Mike Tenbush (United Way / One-D Dropout Prevention Initiative)
Harold Brown (EdWorks / One-D Dropout Prevention Initiative)
Jered Davis (Highland Park High School)
Carlos Lopez (River Rouge District Schools)
Linda Paramore (Pontiac Schools District)
Mardella (Pontiac Schools District)
Bob Moesta (Edutronix)
Jim Hare (Techtown)


Lighting for setting mood (Lighting Man)
  • Background music (keyboards) provided perhaps from a creative from CCS or DPS.
"YOU Tube" Video Set for Impromptu-Speakers (Two Minutes Rants)
  • Video camera
  • Internet connection
  • PC
Signs of Life: Plants, Aquarium,
Thinking Sanctuary: Large Conference Table and Chairs
Large Bookcase (books),
Computer, Projector, Sound Speakers
Slide-show of Graphics
  • 30 second videos to attract attention and imagination. Viewed on the "big screen". Train a "visitor" on how to create their own video, and that visitor trains the next visitor etc. Videos are posted to the blog and viewed on the "big screen".
    • Internet connection
    • PC
    • Willing participant.
Roll-around Basketball Hoop and Ball
  • Wall climbing

Putt Putt Golf (Hallway / Prized for hole in one/ and Studio)
  • Art donations to be used as prises. Incentive for artists to donate, tax credit through 501.
    • Social capital
    • Donations made to charities in the immediate area. Gifts from the Creative Community at the Russell.
Signage (Various Themes)
  • Interaction with volunteers from the creative/business community. Prompting engaged "visitors" to apply sticky notes (sharing their emotions/thoughts/ideas) to the various vision statement themes along the hall, walls, etc. Could be used as an artist corridor.
    • Markers with a LISC logo, donated and created by a creative at the Russell.
    • Sticky notes that suggest they should take action and share their emotions/thoughts/ideas.
      • Social capital.
      • Donations made to charities in the immediate area. Gifts from the Creative Community at the Russell.
  • Gallery donations to display their talent, 501 tax credit to the contributing artist(s).
    • Social capital.
    • Donations made to charities in the immediate area. Gifts from the Creative Community at the Russell.
  • Building Climate Control
    • Alternative energies
      • Solar
      • Wind
Digital Media & Learning Grant (Participatory Atelier)
Blog-site: "Post's" (Dalton, Student-Centric, DPS AIM Program,

  • Creation of a collaborative distance work space. Blogs, Wiki, Webcams.
  • Alernative Energy development.

Russell Center (5011(c)(3)
Board Member Search
Art & Science (Russell Creative Force & STEM Science Center)

  • A designated representative ( perhaps Ed) for the 501. Responsibilities, coordination/collections/location designator of Art pieces/tax credit forms for artist. Charity designation for donations.
  • Creates social capital internally/externally from the RIC.

Ed Gardiner
Russell Center Job Opening (Ed Gardiner)
Knows the Creative People and Russell Management Team

Potential Leasing Agent:
  • Added value Ed could bring:
  • Social network such as Ning to allow the artists/business individuals freedom to upload artwork, advertising etc. to their page within the social network. Benefits the Russell community and the public as a touch stone for activities, services, to the entire social community through the wonders of email.
    • Cost is free.
    • Ed could train if necessary
    • Provide internet access from the LISC.
  • Community directory of who what where when and how. Brochure/small analog directory, or kiosk.
  • Direct contact for 501 to the Russell community (others compelled to donate to LISC) and the leasing community.

1 comment:

klehrke said...

Things we need for the SPACE

30 second videos to catch attention and imagination, train a "visitor" how to create their own, and the "vistor" train the next, and so on. Add videos to the blog site.
Internet access.
Generic email address/password.

Signs along the hallway asking the question "what are you thinking".
Artists along the hallway, working on some creative work, to ask the question, "what would you do with this space", and directing them where to stick it.
Markers with the LISC logo which should be created by an Russell artist, and printed on the markers as a give away.
Sticky notes that say "Here's another a great idea".
Use a Russell printer to donate, and receive a tax credit for their donation of markers/stickies/signs using the 501.

Art donated to the space by the local artists, and would be used to benefit a local charity, and they could benefit from a tax credit through the 501.
Social Capital
Coordination of all of the art works.
501 representative to fill out the forms.

Art Raffle, again proceeds to benefit a local charity, and the artist's benefit from a tax credit through the 501.
Social Capital
Coordination of all of the art works.
501 representative to fill out the forms.

Things for Ed Gardner:
Added value:
501 representative to coordinate artists/business forms etc.

Create some type of listing of where the artists/businesses are, and what they do, hours open to the public, how to contact them etc.
Social captial
Create Ning site where the artists may upload their own works and the bio's.
Set the questions who what where when how to join the ning site
Gain access to their email addresses. Broadcast a invitations to all of the artists.
Notify them that a new social network that will benefit them and how to sign on, or join. This could be a flyer, or whatever means they use to communicate.
You can use the information gained through the site questions to generate a map of who what where when and how.
Hand them out to visitors.

Gallery space to feature art works for sale, act and the artist agent, generate revenues.

Digital grant:
How many applications can you put on a USB?